EJU: All about the EJU exam

About EJU - Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students Thumbnail

EJU Outline

The Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) is an examination used by universities in Japan to evaluate the academic readiness and language proficiency of international students seeking admission to undergraduate programs.

What is EJU?

The EJU assesses students' abilities in Japanese language, science, mathematics, and Japan and the world. It is designed to measure academic aptitude and ensure that international students can succeed in Japanese higher education.

New Examination for International Students in Japan

The EJU was established to provide a standardized evaluation for international students applying to universities in Japan. It helps universities assess applicants from diverse educational backgrounds.


A flowchart illustrating for the EJU examination process official EJU Flowchart

Flowchart of EJU

Guidelines for the EJU

Comprehensive guidelines covering every aspect of the EJU, from application procedures to score reporting.

  • The EJU will not be offered in Russia (Vladivostok) from the 2024 exam.
EJU_Guidelines.pdf .pdf JASSO

1. Purpose

This examination is used to evaluate the Japanese language proficiency and the basic academic abilities of international students who wish to study at the undergraduate level at universities or other such higher educational institutions in Japan.

2. General Description of the Examination


4. Application Procedures, etc.

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